If you would like to talk to someone it is possible to ask for a meeting with one of our Buddhist practitioners, including an ordained monk or nun. We will listen and may be able to give some good advice on how to deal with the hardship you are experiencing.
On request we can also attend funeral services or engage in a practice (Powa) to help the deceased after their passing away
We are open to give mental support to people in hospitals, prisons or universities if there may be a need for this.
Helping people to find inner peace through meditation and positive thinking not only helps the individual but creates the opportunity to expand peace and happiness in an organisation and the wider community.
A wonderful opportunity to see an authentic, modern Buddhist Centre with beautiful statues of Buddha from the inside, to ask questions to experienced practitioners, and to try some simple meditations.
We can come to your organisation to explain how Buddha’s teachings help us find inner peace and contentment in the midst of our busy lives, and some basic meditation techniques.
Keep up to date with events and news at the centre